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2 posts tagged with "tunnel"

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Narrowlink 0.2.0 - Peer-to-Peer Connectivity and TUN Interface

· 5 min read
Sajjad Pourali
Creator of Narrowlink

It has been about three months since Narrowlink was officially released, and it has received a warm welcome from the open-source community. Following this warm reception, I have committed myself to working diligently to deliver higher-quality software that is responsive to the community's feedback and needs.

Peer to peer connection diagram using narrowlink

Today, I am excited to announce the release of Narrowlink 0.2.0, a significant step forward in improving stability, performance, and flexibility. Your input and support have been instrumental in shaping these enhancements, and I'm eager to share the details of this latest update with you.

Meet Narrowlink - Your New Remote Access Best Friend

· 5 min read
Sajjad Pourali
Creator of Narrowlink

We are absolutely thrilled to officially introduce Narrowlink - an innovative open source platform purpose-built to deliver simple yet secure remote access without limitations.

At Narrowlink, we keenly understood the significant shortcomings of existing remote access tools, which all too often force unwelcome trade-offs between security, usability, and flexibility. We refused to accept these compromises any longer.

Narrowlink Logo

So we embarked on a mission to develop a radically better solution, architected from the ground up to provide seamless and safe remote connections, accessible to all.