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Share Network Access (SOCKS5)

The Narrowlink client provides a simple way to set up a local SOCKS proxy, allowing you to share internet access through a designated agent.

To perform port forwarding you can run narrowlink proxy command. This command will create a local socks5 proxy server and forward the traffic to the agent network.

narrowlink proxy --help
Create a SOCKS5 proxy

narrowlink proxy [OPTIONS] <local_addr:local_port>

Creates a SOCKS5 proxy that forward the network packets to the agent
The default listen address is

narrowlink proxy -n <agent name> -m <addr>=<addr> <local_addr:local_port>
narrowlink p -n <agent name>

-d, --direct Direct connection to the remote endpoint (peer-to-peer)
-r, --relay Relay connection to the remote endpoint (peer-to-gateway-to-peer)
-n, --name= The name of the agent (required)
-k, --key= The secret key for end-to-end encryption
-m, --map= Map an address%

You can execute the following command, replacing the placeholder values with your actual values to create the SOCKS proxy server:

narrowlink proxy -k <secret> -n <agent_name> <local_ip>:<local_port>

  • <secret>: The passphrase for End-to-end encryption. Choose a strong and secure passphrase.
  • <agent_name>: The name of the agent. Choose a descriptive name for easy identification.
  • <local_ip>: The local IP address you want to bind socks proxy server for forwarding network traffic.
  • <local_port>: The local port number you want to bind socks proxy server for forwarding network traffic.

For example, to forward your network traffic to your remote machine with the name of office, you would use the following command:

narrowlink p -n office -l

You can now set up your browser or other applications to use the local SOCKS proxy server to access the internet through the office agent.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up a local SOCKS proxy server to share internet access through the office agent. Enjoy secure and seamless browsing with the help of Narrowlink.