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Share Network Access (TUN)

Experimental and unstable

This feature is experimental and unstable. It may not work as expected, so use it at your own risk. We are working diligently to make it stable and reliable.

We highly appreciate your contributions and sponsorship to help us improve this feature.

The Narrowlink client utlizes the TUN driver to create a fake virtual network interface, which requires privileged access. This interface can be used to forward the network traffic to the agent network.

narrowlink tun --help
Create a TUN tunnel

narrowlink tun [OPTIONS]

Creates a TUN interface to connect to a remote endpoint
*** Experimental and Unreliable ***
** Use it at your own risk and discretion **
*This is a work in progress and not production ready*

narrowlink tun -n <agent name>
narrowlink t -gdn <agent name> -k <key> -m <ip>=<ip>

-g, --gateway Use as default gateway
-d, --direct Direct connection to the remote endpoint (peer-to-peer)
-r, --relay Relay connection to the remote endpoint (peer-to-gateway-to-peer)
-n, --name= The name of the agent (required)
-k, --key= The secret key for end-to-end encryption
-l, --local= The local address to bind to
-m, --map= Map an IP address%
Windows Users Only

To use the TUN feature on Windows, you need to download Wintun and place it in the same directory as the Narrowlink client. You can download the latest version of Wintun from here.

Execute the following command with privileged access, replacing the placeholder values with your actual values:

narrowlink tun -gn <agent_name>

  • <agent_name>: The name of the agent. Choose a descriptive name for easy identification.

For example, to setup a tun interface as use it as default gateway to forward the traffic to your remote machine with the name of office, you would use the following command:

narrowlink tun -gn office

You can use the -m argument to map the IP addresses of your local network to the IP addresses of the agent's network. This feature is useful for various scenarios, including when the agent can only use a specific DNS resolver, and you want to redirect the DNS traffic to the agent's network without changing the DNS resolver of your local machine.


The Linux users can set a special capability for the Narrowlink client after installation to avoid switching to root access. To do this, execute the following command:

sudo setcap cap_net_admin=+pe $(which narrowlink)

Congratulations! You have successfully set up a TUN interface to share internet access through the office agent.