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SSH Integration

The Narrowlink client can acts like netcat command to connect to the services that are running on the agent network machine. It is useful for various purposes such as connecting to a ssh server.

Add the setting below to your ssh client configuration, which typically resides at ~/.ssh/config, to use Narrowlink to connect to your machines:

Host <agent_name>
ProxyCommand narrowlink connect -n %n %h:%p
Port 22
User <username> # server username
#StrictHostKeyChecking no #optional to ignore host key checking
#UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null #optional to ignore host key checking

Replace <agent_name> with the name of the machine you want to connect to, <username> with your actual username.

  • You can now use ssh office command to connect to the office machine.

You can set up your SSH server to listen only on localhost to prevent unauthorized remote access to your machine. Instead, you can connect to your machine through Narrowlink for secure access.

Enjoy seamless ssh access to your remote machine.